Company  》 Corporate Profile
Corporate Profile
No.1 in the SMPS business
Powernet has made a grand journey to success.

We have devoted ourselves to keeping our way faithfully and steadily.

Our path and progress symbolize the self-esteem that we are the best.

We will continue to take a step forward.

Thank you.
Head Office
Corporate Profile
Company name POWERNET TECHNOLOGIES. CORP Paid-in capital KRW 12billion
Establishment Dec. 1, 1988 No. of employees 115 persons
CEO Sang-woo Kim,
Don-ju Lee
Major products SMPS
(Switching Mode Power Supply)
Corporate Profile
Establishment Dec. 1, 1988
CEO Sang-woo Kim, Don-ju Lee
Paid-in capital KRW 12billion
No. of employees 115 persons
Major products SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply)
Business status
Business status
Head Office: Korea
Plant: China (Qingdao, Shenyang)
Direct export to 17 regions in 12 countries
중국 청도 공장
Qingdao, Shandong Province /
Qingdao Plant (subsidiary)
Space: 10,184m2 /
Workforce: 350 persons
중국 심양 공장
Shenyang, Liaoning Province /
Shenyang Plant (subsidiary)
Space: 9,000m2 /
Workforce: 600persons